function getOrthodoxEaster($date)
Takes any Gregorian date and returns the Gregorian
date of Orthodox Easter for that year.
$year = date("Y", $date);
$r1 = $year % 19;
$r2 = $year % 4;
$r3 = $year % 7;
$ra = 19 * $r1 + 16;
$r4 = $ra % 30;
$rb = 2 * $r2 + 4 * $r3 + 6 * $r4;
$r5 = $rb % 7;
$rc = $r4 + $r5;
//Orthodox Easter for this year will fall $rc days after April 3
return strtotime("3 April $year + $rc days");
The texts of the scripture readings of the current day may always be obtained
from the website of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops: Alternatively, one may obtain specific texts by going to At the latter site, one can request a passage directly in this manner: 5:1-11 Another site giving the liturgical reading for each day of the year may be found at Editing of this Electronic Ordo This electronic document is a first attempt to provide a perpetual on-line equivalent to the traditional printed Ordo. Any computer program only does what it is told to do -- mistakes that exist are result of the human error of the programmer. In furthering the adaptation of a work created by the efforts of Dominican Father Martin Wallace of Australia, and Fr Dennis Smolarski, S.J., of the United States, errors may have been introduced in my attempts to remove celebrations proper to the Dominicans and to Australia, and Jesuits from the United States, and to introduce celebrations proper to the Society of Jesus and to the Dioceses and Archdioceses of Southern Africa where we have Jesuit communities and works. I would hope and pray that such errors be quickly brought to my attention for correction. I am grateful to Francisco Augusto da Cruz Correia, S.J., Edward Murphy, S.J. and David Harold-Barry, S.J. who compiled the Little Lives of Ours.
Fr. Wallace's Ordo may be found at: Matthew Charlesworth, S.J. A Jesuit, particularly if travelling, has to contend with several national calendars, as well as local ones and the calendar of the Society. This Ordo aims to give simple directions for Jesuits in Southern Africa in the dioceses in which the Society has canonical houses. Jesuits ministering in other dioceses will still need to consult local calendars. As well as the General Roman Calendar and the Calendar of the Society, local celebrations such as the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral and principal local patrons have been included where they are known. Also included are liturgical directives or advice, drawn from the liturgical books of the Roman Rite, and the documents of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, including the 2002 General Instruction of the Roman Missal. These indications are included to draw attention to easily neglected or misunderstood provisions. They are not complete, nor do they always refer to the most important aspects of liturgy. Recourse should always be had to the original documents. Since this is the first attempt in Southern Africa to produce such an Ordo, some matters have been overlooked. Please do not hesitate to bring errors or omissions to the editor's notice. He would be particular grateful for further information regarding local calendars in various dioceses in Southern Africa. This Liturgical Calendar follows the Roman Calendar and the proper Calendar of the Society of Jesus, adapted for use in Southern Africa by the inclusion of celebrations proper to the Society and celebrations proper to Southern Africa. Local celebrations (titular feasts, diocesan patrons, anniversaries of dedication etc.) are shown for those places where the Society in Southern Africa has houses. Those working or living in other places need to consult local calendars for local variations. I. The Calendar:Certain celebrations [e.g., Christmas, Pentecost and Assumption] have proper Vigil Masses in addition to the Mass for the day itself. These Vigil Masses (with their proper readings) are intended to be used either before or after Evening Prayer I of the celebration. On Saturdays in Ordinary Time when there is no obligatory memorial, an optional memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary is permitted. Whenever this optional memorial is allowed, a Mass from the Collection of Masses in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary may be used as an alternative. II. Holy Days of Obligation:In Southern Africa, in addition to all Sundays, the following are observed as Holy Days of Obligation:
III. Patronal Feasts:In addition to the celebrations proper to each country in Southern Africa, and the Society, every religious community should celebrate the following (GNLYC 52c):
IV. Typography of this Calendar:A. Italics: indicate an element of the liturgy of the day which is optional, e.g., sequence; or indicate an Optional Memorial, e.g., Dec 4, St John Damascene. They are also used for words in other languages, e.g. Te Deum. B. Explanatory material is set in smaller type. C. The letters SJ in the margin indicate a celebration or rubrical directions proper to the Society.
E. Notes regarding day of specially offered Masses by Jesuits appear like this. F. Special commemorations appear like this. G. Celebration proper to a particular Episcopal Conference appear like this and/or with the notation [SACBC], etc. H. Anniversaries of the deaths of Southern Africa Province Jesuits appear like this. I. Scriptural Feasts from the Roman Martyrology appear like this. J. Birthdays of Jesuits in the Southern Africa Province appear like this. K. Jubilees of Jesuits in the Southern Africa Province appear like this. V. Abbreviations used in the Daily Ordo:
NOTE: The general norms for celebrating a Mass other than what is indicated by the calendar are given in 2002 GIRM 352-385.
VI. Other Abbreviations used in this Calendar:
VII. Note on Evening Prayer:On Mondays through Fridays that are seasonal weekdays and on memorials, Evening Prayer (Vespers) of the Liturgy of the Hours is normally taken from the office of the day. (Special rules hold for the Octaves of Christmas and Easter.) This principle also usually holds on Sundays, Solemnities and Feasts. |