Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus



Epiphany Proclamation

[By ancient custom the dates for the great feasts of the coming year are announced after the Gospel on Epiphany by the deacon or priest. This custom is still mentioned in the 1984 Ceremonial of Bishops, no. 240, and in the 2002 Roman Missal.

You can find the text of this at the bottom of this page.

Appendix II

Mass Intentions to be Offered by Jesuits Each Month

(See Acta Romana 15 [1967-72]: 61.)
Where one or more Mass intentions are prescribed without further notation, it is understood that they are prescribed for each priest and are to be said as first-intention Masses; those who are not priests are to offer as many Masses as priests are obliged to offer.
Every month, each Jesuit is to offer one Mass for each of these four intentions:

  1. The intention of Father General
  2. The deceased of the Society
  3. Our benefactors
  4. The needs of the Church and the Society

If possible, in November the intention for the deceased of the Society should be offered on November 3 or the day following.
The intention for the needs of the Church and the Society should be offered, if possible, on the following days:

  1. 3 Jan (Holy Name of the Name Jesus)
  2. 12 Mar (Anniversary of the canonization of Ss Ignatius and Francis Xavier)
  3. 31 May (Visitation)
  4. Sacred Heart
  5. 7 Aug (Anniversary of the restoration of the Society, 1814)
  6. 27 Sep (Anniversary of the first confirmation of the Society, 1540)

Links to Tables
Summarizing the Use of Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs, Masses of the Dead,
Order of Precedence,
Calendar of Lectionary Cycles and Movable Liturgical Feasts (2021 - 2100)

  1. This table summarizes on which days Ritual Masses (e.g., Nuptial Masses), Masses for Various Needs, and Votive Masses may be celebrated,
  2. This table shows the Liturgical Days according to their Order of Precedence,
  3. This table shows the Calendar of Lectionary Cycles and Movable Liturgical Feasts (2021 - 2100).
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