Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


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December 2075

Last Quarter
1 Sunday
  violetFirst Sunday of AdventPsalter Week 1
Mass of the Sunday; creed; the Gloria is omitted. Preface of Advent I. Ritual and funeral Masses are prohibited.
Yr C [3] Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10+14; 1 Thess 3:12-4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36.
Hours of the Sunday; Te Deum
[RM]Traditionally on this day, we remember from Scripture St. Nahum, prophet (cf. Na. 1:7) [from the Roman Martyrology].
Anniversary:130th anniversary of the death of P. John Spendel (65) d. 1945 at Port Elizabeth, RSA. Read Obituary
Anniversary:108th anniversary of the death of F. Mathias Schoenbrod (88) d. 1967 at Munster, Germany. Read Obituary
Anniversary:87th anniversary of the death of P. Carl Brosig (97) d. 1988 at Berlin, Germany. Read Obituary
Birthday:84th birthday of S. Richard MUSONDA (born this day in 1991).

On this day in our Jesuit history...

Edmund Campion and Robert Southwell (age 33), priests, and their companions, martyrs, including Margaret Clitheroe, 10 Jesuit saints and 18 Jesuit blesseds. Memorial.
On this day, at Tyburn, in London, are martyred, Campion, aged 41 and Alexander Briant, aged 27.
Saints Edmund Campion, Robert Southwell, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs (Memorial)

Today the Society of Jesus commemorates ten saints and eighteen blessed, all Jesuits of England or Wales, who were martyred on their native soil between 1573 and 1679, a time of fierce persecution of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits were especially hunted, but they stood firm, without abjuring their faith. Two of the best known in the group are Edmund Campion and Robert Southwell.

1551Letter of St. Ignatius encourages the inauguration of colleges.
1554The theological faculty of the University of Paris condemns the Society of Jesus in a ringing public declaration, calling it "a danger to the family, a disturber of the peace of the Church, destructive of monastic life, and destined to cause harm rather than education."
1581At Tyburn in London, St. Edmund Campion and Alexander Briant were martyred.
1764Louis XV declares that the Society of Jesus ceases to exit in France.
1916Blessed Charles de Foucauld, inspired the founding of the Little Brothers of Jesus. He was assassinated by a jihadist of the Senussi sufi order at the door of his retreat in the Algerian Sahara. Jesuit Alumnus.
1973Brother Alfredo Perez Lobato, S.J. aged 36, is machine gunned to death in Chad.
1974The 32nd General Congregation opens. It stresses a faith that does justice, and the unity of hearts and minds.
1987Fr. George Ruggieri, S.J. dies. A marine biologist, he served as director of the NY City Aquarium and Osborne Laboratories from 1976 until his death.



Dominical Letter  f
Golden Number  5
Epact  xiii
Solar Cycle 12
Letter of the Martyrology n
Roman Year of Indiction 8
Julian Period Year 6788
Years since the confirmation of the Society 535
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Ignatius  519
Years since the erection of the Southern Africa Province 54
Sunday Readings  Cycle  C
Weekday Readings  Cycle   I
Gregorian Easter 7 April
Julian (Orthodox) Easter    7 April