function getOrthodoxEaster($date)
Takes any Gregorian date and returns the Gregorian
date of Orthodox Easter for that year.
$year = date("Y", $date);
$r1 = $year % 19;
$r2 = $year % 4;
$r3 = $year % 7;
$ra = 19 * $r1 + 16;
$r4 = $ra % 30;
$rb = 2 * $r2 + 4 * $r3 + 6 * $r4;
$r5 = $rb % 7;
$rc = $r4 + $r5;
//Orthodox Easter for this year will fall $rc days after April 3
return strtotime("3 April $year + $rc days");
Common of Virgins, or Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious (Readings from the Common of Saints: [530] Songs 8:6-7 (#731.1); Ps 148:1bc-2, 11-13a, 13c-14 (#733.2); Luke 10:38-42 (#736.3).) Hours of the Memorial.
Prop. Ant. Bened.
92nd anniversary of the death of P. Manuel Fonseca Da Cruz (91) d. 1962 at ColeĢgio NoĢbrega, Brazil.
80th birthday of P. Vincent B. MULENGA (born this day in 1974).
104th birthday of -P. Joseph HAMPSON (born this day in 1950).
On this day in our Jesuit history...
A copy of the proposed Brief of Suppression of the Society of Jesus, drawn up by Monino (Florida Blanca), the Spanish Ambassador, and revised by Cardinal Zelada, was sent with Pope Clement XIV's leave,givenreluctantly, to Charles III of Spain, to be communicated by him to the Courts of France, Austria, Portugal and Naples.
Ferdinand Prat, S.J. is born. His writings include the Life of Christ, Theology of St. Paul.
Richard Tierney, S.J. dies. Key editor of America magazine.
The death of Pius XI. He had reigned since 1922. Showing great love for the Society of Jesus, he canonized 11 and beatified 52 of Ours.
James Sweeney, S.J. dies First Provincal of New York from 1939- 45.
Timothy Bouscaren, S.J. dies. A canon Lawyer, he was Procurator General of the Society of Jesus, l947 to l962. Age 86.