Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

July 2049

Waxing Gibbous
10 Saturday
  greenSaturday of the fourteenth week.
Mass of the day.
Cycle I [388] Gen 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7; Matt 10:24-33.
 Hours of the day.
  white   greenSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin MaryOptional
Anniversary:43rd anniversary of the death of P. Edmund Wilson (80) d. 2006 at Harare, Zimbabwe. Read Obituary
Anniversary:42nd anniversary of the death of P. Patrick Joyce (70) d. 2007 at Galway, Ireland. Read Obituary
Jubilee:Oak Jubilee of P. Clive DILLON-MALONE who celebrates 80 years of Priesthood today.

On this day in our Jesuit history...

1531Birthday of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez. RM 1579. Valignano arrives in Japan as Visitor.
1678At Vilnius, Fr. Thomas Ujeyski, former bishop of Chijov and senator of Poland, completed his novitiate and received a special privilege admitting him to the profession of the four vows.
1767All the Jesuits in Paraguay were arrested by order of Charkes III of Spain and led into exile. There were 385 priests, 109 brothers, 59 scholastics and 11 novices.
1829The Restoration of the Society in Portugal.
1981Four scholastics, traveling from Nicaragua to Mexico are arrested in a Mexican airport for weapons and underground literature, and are released two days later.
1994Andrew Varga, S.J., dies. Ethicist, Hungarian Provincial, and General Assistant from 1965-75.
1998The death of Luis Alonso Schoekel. Biblical scholar and teacher. 2017. "Our Life is Mission: Mission is Our Life." Letter



Dominical Letter  c
Golden Number  17
Epact  25
Solar Cycle 14
Letter of the Martyrology F
Roman Year of Indiction 12
Julian Period Year 6762
Years since the confirmation of the Society 509
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Ignatius  493
Years since the erection of the Southern Africa Province 28
Sunday Readings  Cycle  C
Weekday Readings  Cycle   I
Gregorian Easter 18 April
Julian (Orthodox) Easter    25 April