function getOrthodoxEaster($date)
Takes any Gregorian date and returns the Gregorian
date of Orthodox Easter for that year.
$year = date("Y", $date);
$r1 = $year % 19;
$r2 = $year % 4;
$r3 = $year % 7;
$ra = 19 * $r1 + 16;
$r4 = $ra % 30;
$rb = 2 * $r2 + 4 * $r3 + 6 * $r4;
$r5 = $rb % 7;
$rc = $r4 + $r5;
//Orthodox Easter for this year will fall $rc days after April 3
return strtotime("3 April $year + $rc days");
Make a Daily Offering for the Pope's Intention: For Christians in areas of conflict (Read Reflection) "Let us pray that Christians living in areas of war or conflict, especially in the Middle East, might be seeds of peace, reconciliation and hope."
12 Friday
Friday of the second week in Advent.
Mass of the day. Preface of Advent I
Cycle I
[185] Isa 48:17-19;Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4+6; Matt 11:16-19.
Hours of the day.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
99th anniversary of the death of P. Ignatius Gartlan (78) d. 1926 at London, England.
33rd birthday of S. Amós Alberto WINGUISSONE (born this day in 1992).
34th birthday of D. Guidione F FREDERICO MACAMO (born this day in 1991).
Wooden Jubilee of P. Jacob KAPITA who celebrates 5 years of Priesthood today.
Silver Jubilee of P. O. Kenneth JOHNSON who celebrates 25 years since professing Final Vows today.
On this day in our Jesuit history...
Isabel Roser pronounces her vows as a Jesuit, together with Lucrezia di Brandine and Francisca Cruyllas, in the presence of St. Ignatius at Santa Maria della Strada.
A letter of Fr. General Lainez to the Society in India on the religious vocation and perfection.
In the College of Clermont, Paris, Fr. James Caret publicly defended the doctrine of papal infallibility, causing great excitement among the Gallicans and Jansenists.
Carlos de Noyelle, the 12th General, dies. He fought against the Jansenists.
John Courtney Murray, S.J., makes the cover of Time magazine, in a cover story on Church and state issues.
The death of Andre D’Alverny in Lebanon. He was a much loved and admired expert and teacher of Arabic at his center for Arabic studies. His coffin was reopened so Scouts could see him and place a scout scarf about his neck.
Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J. dies in NY, age 90. Church theologian, writer, convert, teacher, son of John Foster Dulles. Models of the Church, etc.
The first Province Assembly of the Southern Africa Province begins. Held at the UNZA Christian Centre in Lusaka, Zambia, it was attended by 160 Jesuits from all corners of the Province. Spiritual Conversations were employed and the Apostolic Priorities for the Province were proposed to Fr General.