13 Friday | |
| white | St John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor of the Church | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [441] 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6, 12; Luke 6:39-42. | | Hours of the Memorial. Common of Pastors, or Common of Doctors of the Church Readings from the Common of Saints: [637] Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 (#722.8); Ps 40:2+4, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 (#721.3); Mark 4:1-10, 13-20 or 4:1-9 (#730.5). | |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
| 1571 | Martyrdom of Pedro Diaz and eleven missionaries of Brazil, in waters of the Atlantic, near the Canary Islands. | 1669 | At Paris the pamphlet Anonyme by the Jansenist Arnauld, a publication full of vile calumnies and invectives agains the Society, was burnt by the King’s order. | 1773 | Frederick II of Prussia informs the Pope that the Jesuits will not be suppressed in Prussia, and invites Jesuits to come. | 1983 | Peter-Hans Kolvenbach is elected the 29th Superior General at the 33rd General Congregation, age 55. | 1998 | Cardinal Alois Grillmeier dies age 88. He was a professor at St. Georgen, Frankfurt, and wrote Christ in Christian Tradition. He was created a Cardinal on 26 November 1994. | | | |