Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

April 2047

14 Sunday
  whiteEaster Sunday - the Pasch of the LordSolemnity with Octave
Mass of the day, Gloria, Easter sequence, Renewal of Baptismal Promises (in place of Creed), Preface of Easter I ("on this day") special Communicantes and Hanc igitur; double alleluia at dismissal.
Yr A [42] Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; John 20:1-9.
Alternative gospel (from the Vigil): [41] Matt 28:1-10
At an evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35 (Lect. [46]) may be used.
Mass is to be celebrated on with great solemnity. In place of the Creed on this day, the renewal of baptismal promises takes place (as at the Vigil) and the people are sprinkled with water blessed at the Vigil, during which a song of baptismal character should be sung. The entrance stoups to the church should also be filled with the same water. [PS 97]
The Paschal Candle burns at all Hours and Masses today. It is kept in the sanctuary near the altar or ambo until Pentecost Sunday. [PS 99]
Hours of Easter Sunday.
The Easter Vigil takes the place of the Office of Readings.
Where it is the custom, the tradition of "Baptismal Vespers" with a procession to the font is to be diligently observed. (GILH, 213) It is most appropriate to conclude Night Prayer throughout the Easter Season with the Regina Coeli (GILH, 92).
After Night Prayer the paschal candle is extinguished. It remains by the ambo or altar, and is lit throughout Easter Time at Mass and at other celebrations until Pentecost inclusive.
During the Octave, a Funeral Mass is permitted, but Ritual Masses (including Nuptial Masses) are prohibited, and all solemnities are delayed until after the Second Sunday of Easter.
Anniversary:67th anniversary of the death of P. Daniel Meagher (69) d. 1980 at Nairobi, Kenya. Read Obituary
Anniversary:46th anniversary of the death of P. Raymond Lawler (HIB) (80) d. 2001 at Clongowes, Ireland. Read Obituary
Anniversary:44th anniversary of the death of P. Gregory Croft (83) d. 2003 at Harare, Zimbabwe. Read Obituary
Birthday:111th birthday of P. Peter HENRIOT (born this day in 1936).
Birthday:74th birthday of P. Afonso Inácio MUCANE (born this day in 1973).

On this day in our Jesuit history...

1618St. John Berchman's father is ordained a priest; John himself was still a Novice.
1792The death of Maximilian Hell at Vienna. He was an astronomer who directed the royal observatory for 36 years.
1931Professed House in Madrid is set on fire, including the relics of St.Francis Borgia. Persecution against the Society.
1984Joseph E. O'Neill, S.J. dies. For 20 years, he edited Thought magazine.
1989Dominic Pandolfo, S.J. dies Brother, doorkeeper at St. Andrew-on-Hudson novitiate for many years.
1992The death of Marshall Moran, S.J., aged 85. He was the first Catholic priest allowed into Nepal in modern times. He founded St. Xavier School for Boys.
2015Death of Cardinal Roberto Tucci, age 93. Communications expert, With Vatican Radio, etc.



Dominical Letter  f
Golden Number  15
Epact  iii
Solar Cycle 12
Letter of the Martyrology c
Roman Year of Indiction 10
Julian Period Year 6760
Years since the confirmation of the Society 507
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Ignatius  491
Years since the erection of the Southern Africa Province 26
Sunday Readings  Cycle  A
Weekday Readings  Cycle   I
Gregorian Easter 14 April
Julian (Orthodox) Easter    21 April