15 Monday | |
white | Monday in the Octave of Easter |
| Mass of the Octave. Gloria, sequence optional, Preface of Easter I ("on this day"); double alleluia at dismissal. |
| [261] Acts 2:14, 22-32; Ps 16:1-2a+5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Matt 28:8-15. |
| Hours of the day; Te Deum, double alleluia at dismissal.
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Anniversary: | 92nd anniversary of the death of P. Cuthbert Donnelly (75) d. 1977 at London, England.  |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1549 | Xavier embarks at Malacca for Japan. |
1610 | Robert Parsons, S.J. dies "The most active and indefatigable of all the leaders of the English Catholics in the reign of Elizabeth." |
1778 | Empress Catherine the Great requested the Holy See that the Jesuits in White Russia (the only ones in the world, all others having been suppressed) might have a novitiate. She received the answer that the local bishop should do as he thought best. |
1778 | Empress Catherine the Great requested the Holy See that the Jesuits in White Russia (the only ones in the world, all others having been suppressed) might have a novitiate. She received the answer thatthelocal bishop should do as he thought best. |
1884 | Fr. Peter Beckx, aged 88, resigned governance of the Society to Fr. Anton Anderledy. |
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