Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

July 2049

Waning Gibbous
18 Sunday
  greenSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass of the Sunday; gloria, creed.
Yr C [108] Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-3a, 3b-4, 5; Col 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42.
 Hours of the Sunday. Te Deum.
Week 4 of the Psalter.
Anniversary:81st anniversary of the death of P. Ladislaus Zabdyr (78) d. 1968 at Kasisi, Zambia. Read Obituary
Birthday:67th birthday of *P. Recktenwald, Claus (ECE) (born this day in 1982).
Jubilee:Wine Jubilee of P. Horst ULBRICH who celebrates 85 years of Priesthood today.
Jubilee:Ruby Jubilee of P. Nicholas PENGE who celebrates 40 years of Priesthood today.
Jubilee:Ruby Jubilee of P. Felix Kabuswe MWEWA who celebrates 40 years of Priesthood today.
Jubilee:Ruby Jubilee of P. Hector MUKWATO who celebrates 40 years of Priesthood today.

On this day in our Jesuit history...

1613Brother Gilbert Du Thet, S.J. dies. He is the first (non-canonized) Jesuit martyr of French Canada, killed by English privateers off the Atlantic Coast.
1650Cristobal Schemer, S.J. dies founder of new solar physics, and a correspondent with Kepler and Galileo.
1650The death of Cristopher Scheiner, a physicist, astronomer and geometer who discovered sun spots independently of Galileo and created one of the ï¬rst terrestrial telescopes.
1693At Resel, in Russia died Fr. Adelbert Grabes, a great spiritual director of youth. He sent 53 to the Cistercians, 30 to the Franciscans, 12 to the Dominicans, 5 to the Basilians, 28 to the Reformed Carmelites, 12 to the Brigittines, and 117 to the Society, almost all of whom persevered.
1973Fr. Eugene Murphy died. Under his direction the Sacred Heart Hour, which Saint Louis University introduced in 1939 on its radio station WEW, became a nationwide favorite.
1985Jose Maria Velaz, S.J. dies Venezuela. Founder and promoter of Fe y Alegria, Integrated Popular Education Movement in 1955. In 1985 there were 435 centers with 270,000 students enrolled.



Dominical Letter  c
Golden Number  17
Epact  25
Solar Cycle 14
Letter of the Martyrology F
Roman Year of Indiction 12
Julian Period Year 6762
Years since the confirmation of the Society 509
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Ignatius  493
Years since the erection of the Southern Africa Province 28
Sunday Readings  Cycle  C
Weekday Readings  Cycle   I
Gregorian Easter 18 April
Julian (Orthodox) Easter    25 April