18 Monday | |
| white | St Albert Hurtado-Cruchaga, priest [SJ] Outside SJ churches seasonal weekday. Texts in the Jesuit Supplement. (Download Mass texts and Divine Office texts here) | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [419] Ezek 24:15-23; Deut 32:18-19, 20, 21; Matt 19:16-22. | | Hours of the Memorial.
Readings from the Common of Saints: James 2:14-17 (#740.13), Ps 112 (111):1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7b-8, 9, Matt 25:31-40 | | | Archdioceses of Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa [SACBC] | white | Bl Victoria Rasoamanarivo | Optional | | Common of Holy Men and Women |
| Anniversary: | 203rd anniversary of the death of P. Henry Schomberg Kerr (57) d. 1895 at Grahamstown, RSA.  | Anniversary: | 133rd anniversary of the death of P. Augustine Whiteside (81) d. 1965 at Musami, S. Rhodesia.  | Anniversary: | 119th anniversary of the death of F. Edward Toon (78) d. 1979 at Reading, Berks, England.  |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
| | Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, Priest (Memorial)
Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (1901-1952) was born in Viña del Mar, Chile. He entered the Jesuit novitiate at Chillán in July 1923, did his religious studies in Spain and Belgium, and was ordained a priest in 1933. On returning to Chile in 1936, he was a teacher, counsellor, retreat director, author, and youth organizer. In Santiago he founded Hogar de Cristo for homeless children. As well, he was involved in various social action organizations and activities. He died on 18 August 1952, and was given at his burial full state honours.
| 1590 | Sixtus V, being determined to suppress the Name of the Society of Jesus, nine days before his death, sent for Father General Acquaviva and required him to draw up a petition to the Holy See, asking for modifications in the Institute, etc. which modifications the Pontiff's inflexible will intended to impose. This petition, wrung from the General, was found in Pope Sixtus' desk after his death and canceled by his successor. | 1643 | Isaac Jogues, with the help of the Dutch, escapes from the hands of the Mohawk Indians. | 1671 | At Genoa, Fr. Julius Spinola went to his reward. When a Novice, he said to his Novice Master: "If ever I ask to be dismissed, bind me with ropes and treat me like a madman." | 1805 | Robert Molynaux, Charles Sewall, and Charles Neale pronounce their vows as Jesuits at St. Thomas Manor, Md. The only three Jesuits in the USA, the "new Society" begins again in the USA. | 1952 | St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J. optional memorial. He died in Chile on this day in 1952. He founded Mensaje, and was a writer, retreat master, trade unionist and founded Hogar de Christo for the homeless. He was beatified in October 1994, canonized in October, 2005. | 1952 | The death of Alberto Hurtado, writer, retreat director, trade unionist and founder of "El Hogar de Christo," a movement to help the homeless in Chile. | 1997 | An opera composed by Domenico Zipoli is performed at the Loyola Sanctuary in Azpeitia, Spain. | | | |