19 Wednesday | |
violet | Ash Wednesday | |
| Mass of Ash Wednesday; after the sign of the cross and greeting, the penitential act is omitted. Preface of Lent III or IV. |
| [219] Joel 2: 12-18; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14+17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Matt 6:1-6, 16-18 |
| (Switch to Vol. II of the Lit. of the Hours.) Hours of Ash Wednesday; Psalter Week 4 today and until Saturday. Today at Morning Prayer, the psalms of Friday, Week 3 may be used. |
| The celebrant blesses and distributes ashes after the homily. Other persons may be associated with the bishop or priest in the imposition of ashes, e.g., deacons, special ministers of communion and other lay persons, when there is true pastoral need. |
| Special ministers of communion and deacons may bring blessed ashes to the sick and those confined to their homes. If a minister is not available, a member of the family or another person may bring the blessed ashes to a shut-in, using one of the formulas in the Roman Missal to impose ashes. |
| For pastoral reasons the blessing and distribution of ashes may take place outside Mass. In this case, the entire liturgy of the word should be celebrated: entrance song, opening prayer, readings and chants, homily, blessing and distribution of ashes, and general intercessions. See the Book of Blessings, nos. 1656ff. |
Anniversary: | 146th anniversary of the death of P. Charles Lonergan (45) d. 1907 at Dunbrody, RSA.  |
Anniversary: | 78th anniversary of the death of F. Thomas Clayton (78) d. 1975 at Stonyhurst, Lancs, England.  |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1543 | Pope Paul III signs a papal bill establishing a confraternity, "Compagnia della grazia," to run the House of St. Martha for wayward women. |
1581 | The election of Father Claude Acquaviva as 5th General in the Fourth General Congregation. He was only 37 years of age, and a Jesuit for only l4 years. He was general under 8 popes. He had been a fellow novice with St. Stanislaus. |
1803 | At. St. Inigo's, Maryland, Fr. James Walton died. He entered the Society in 1757, was sent to Maryland in 1766 and labored for 36 years. During the Suppression, fully confident that the Society would one day be restored, he faithfully guarded the property of the Society which had been invested chiefly in his name. |
1906 | George Tyrell, modernist, theologian, leaves the Society of Jesus. |
1984 | Fr. General honors Br. Joseph Auger at dinner table, on his 75th birthday and almost 50 years of service at the Curia under four Generals. |
1984 | The death of Fr. Nikolaus Ory, scholar. He was the unifier and leader of the exiled, dispersed Hungarian priests, Unio Cleri Hungarici. |
2009 | Letter of Fr. Nicolas, "The Universal Vocation of the Jesuit." |
2019 | Letter on the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus - 2019-2029. From Fr. Sosa |
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