Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

September 2024

Make a Daily Offering for the Pope's Intention: For the cry of the Earth (Watch video(Read Reflection)
"Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit."

2 Monday
  greenMonday of the twenty-second week.
Mass of the day.
Cycle II [431] 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102; Luke 4:16-30.
 Hours of the day.
  redBl James Bonnaud, pr, and companions; Joseph Imbert and John Nicolas Cordier, prs; Thomas Sitjar, pr, and companions; John Fausti, pr, and companions; martyrs [SJ]
Texts in the Jesuit Supplement. (Download Mass texts and Divine Office texts here)
From the Common of Martyrs
Readings from the Common of Saints:
Common of Martyrs: Readings outside Easter Time
I. Wisdom 10:10-14; Ps 116(115):10+15, 16-17, 18-19; John 15:9-17.
II. Phil 1:20b-26; Ps 31(30):3b-4, 6-8a, 16b-17, 21; Matt 10:16-22.
III. 1 Pet 3:14-17; Ps 124(123):2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8; John 12:24-26.
Common of Martyrs: Readings during Easter Time
I. Rev 12:10-12b; Ps 34(33):2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; John 17:11b-19.
Anniversary:83rd anniversary of the death of P. Patrick Wolfe (81) d. 1941 at St Beuno's, Tremeirchion, N Wales. Read Obituary
Anniversary:45th anniversary of the death of P. Francis Preston (76) d. 1979 at Harare, Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Read Obituary
Birthday:76th birthday of P. Michael T. KELLY (born this day in 1948).

On this day in our Jesuit history...

Blessed James Bonnaud, Priest, and Companions; Joseph Imbert and John Nicolas Cordier, Priests; Thomas Sitjar, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs (Martyrs due to hatred of the name of Christian and of the Catholic Church) (Optional Memorial)

James Bonnaud and twenty-two other Jesuit priests were martyred in 1792, during the French Revolution, because they refused to sign the oath in support of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy passed by the National Constituent Assembly. – Joseph Imbert and John Nicolas Cordier were victims of the violence during the Reign of Terror, when they refused to sign the oath. – Thomas Sitjar and ten other Jesuits, who worked clandestinely after the Society of Jesus was exiled from Spain in 1932, were captured and martyred at the start of the Spanish Civil War.

1549Ignatius calls Canisius to Rome from Trent. Eventually he goes back to the German apostolate since Pope Paul III had requested that Ignatius designate three theologians to revive the University of Ingolstadt.
1666The Great Fire of London broke out, destroying half the city. It was set down as the work of Papists and Jesuits. Charles II banished all the Fathers from England.
1792About 22 Jesuits are killed in a Carmelite monastery in Paris, from 2-4 September, Parisian Martyrs.
1837Cholera epidemic in Rome, over 5000 die. Jesuits take charge of the hospitals treating the fever.
1910Rockhurst College, Kansas, is officially incorporaed and chartered to grant degrees.
1983General Congregation 33 began in Rome with 220 delegates representing 26,000 Jesuits. It elected Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as General Superior.



Dominical Letter  g f
Golden Number  11
Epact  xix
Solar Cycle 17
Letter of the Martyrology u
Roman Year of Indiction 2
Julian Period Year 6737
Years since the confirmation of the Society 484
Years since the passing of our Holy Father Ignatius  468
Years since the erection of the Southern Africa Province 3
Sunday Readings  Cycle  B
Weekday Readings  Cycle   II
Gregorian Easter 31 March
Julian (Orthodox) Easter    5 May