21 Thursday | |
white | St Pius X, pope | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [422] Ezek 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Matt 22:1-14. | | Hours of the Memorial. Common of Pastors: For a Pope Readings from the Common of Saints: [626] 1 Thess 2:2b-8 (#722.10); Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 21-22, 25+27 (#721.4); John 21:15-17 (#724.12). | |
Anniversary: | 182nd anniversary of the death of P. Francis Berghegge (67) d. 1916 at Grahamstown, RSA.  |
Anniversary: | 90th anniversary of the death of P. Kevin Donovan (76) d. 2008 at Wimbledon, London, England.  |
Anniversary: | 77th anniversary of the death of F. Henryk Prill (PMA) (66) d. 2021 at Krakow, Poland.  |
Birthday: | 135th birthday of P. Peter BWANALI (born this day in 1963). |
Birthday: | 99th birthday of *NS. Otieno, Lenox Owino (AOR) (born this day in 1999). |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1546 | Fra Barbaran having declared in a letter that he wished to see all members of the Society living between Perpignan and Seville burned alive, St. Ignatius caused the reply to be sent that HIS wish was that the Friar and all his friends might be inflamed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. |
1573 | Off the coast of Japan and within sight of land, Father Goncalvez Alvarez, the appointed Visitor of Japan, perished by shipwreck with four companions. |
1581 | A princely reception is given to Fr. Anthony Possevino by the Czar of Russia. |
1598 | Charles Spinola sailing for India, was captured by the English and led to England, but soon released. |
1660 | At Rome died Cardinal John de Lugo, one of the greatest theologians of the Society. By his own desire he was buried in the Gesu "at the feet of St. Ignatius," i.e. at the foot of the Saint's altar. St. Alphonus Ligouri calls him the greatest theologian after St. Thomas. He was the 4th Jesuit cardinal. He propagated anti-malaria Jesuit's Bark, and it was sometimes called "Lugo's powder." |
1968 | Father General Pedro Arrupe arrived in MedellĂn, Colombia, to take part in the conference of Latin American bishops that proved to be a pivotal moment in the Church's recognition of the central role of the option for justice. |
1983 | President Benigno Aquino is assassinated at the airport in Manila. Jesuit Alumnus |
1991 | Oswald von Nell-Breuning dies aged 101. He had a heavy hand in the writing of Quadragesimo Anno in 1931. Social ethicist, professor. |
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