function getOrthodoxEaster($date)
Takes any Gregorian date and returns the Gregorian
date of Orthodox Easter for that year.
$year = date("Y", $date);
$r1 = $year % 19;
$r2 = $year % 4;
$r3 = $year % 7;
$ra = 19 * $r1 + 16;
$r4 = $ra % 30;
$rb = 2 * $r2 + 4 * $r3 + 6 * $r4;
$r5 = $rb % 7;
$rc = $r4 + $r5;
//Orthodox Easter for this year will fall $rc days after April 3
return strtotime("3 April $year + $rc days");
41st Day of Prayer for the Church in China (est. 2008)
Separate Vigil Mass texts in RM with separate set of readings. An elongated Vigil Liturgy of the Word is one option.
Mass of Pentecost; Gloria, Sequence, Creed, Preface of Pentecost, special Communicantes in Eucharistic Prayer I, Double alleluia at the dismissal.
Yr B
[63] Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1+24, 29b-30, 31+34; Gal 5:16-25 (Year B) or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15 (Year B) or Jn 20:19-23.
Hours of the Solemnity. Te Deum. At Evening Prayer II, double alleluia at dismissal
After Evening Prayer, the Paschal Candle is extinguished, and moved to the Baptistery, where it is kept in a place of honor so that the candles of the newly baptised may be lit from it.
The weeks of the year resume with Week 8.
Week 4 of the Psalter.
Traditionally on this day, we remember from Scripture Bl. Johanna, wife of Chuza, disciple (cf. Lk. 8:1b-3) [from the Roman Martyrology].
Traditionally on this day, we remember from Scripture St. Manaen, prophet in Antioch (cf. Acts 13:1) [from the Roman Martyrology].
133rd anniversary of the death of F. Martin Meyringer (81) d. 1915 at Diest, Belgium.
117th anniversary of the death of F. Thomas Segura (77) d. 1931 at S. Salvador da Baía, Brasil.
92nd anniversary of the death of F. William Blackledge (56) d. 1956 at Petworth, W. Sussex, England.
48th anniversary of the death of P. Donal McKenna (67) d. 2000 at Limbe, Malawi.
44th anniversary of the death of P. Bertold Beck (GER) (84) d. 2004 at Köln, Germany.
85th birthday of +P. Dhanapalan RAYAR (born this day in 1963).
Coral Jubilee of D. Manuel Chingole MÁRIO who celebrates 35 years in the Society today.
Coral Jubilee of D. Paulo Lucas ESTÊVÃO who celebrates 35 years in the Society today.
Coral Jubilee of S. Meu JORGE who celebrates 35 years in the Society today.
On this day in our Jesuit history...
Madonna della Strada. Feast of Our Lady of the Way.
Our Lady of the Way (Optional Memorial)
Our Lady of the Way (Madonna della Strada) was the name given by the first Jesuits to a late 13th century Byzantine fresco in a way-side chapel by the same name, in Rome. In 1540, Ignatius of Loyola and his companions occupied a house directly across from the chapel. The chapel, together with the residence, was for many years the “heart of the Society of Jesus”. It witnessed the contemplative life and corporate ministries of the early Jesuits. The icon, revered down the ages, is placed prominently in the magnificent Madonna Chapel in the Gesù, the mother-church of the Society of Jesus, in Rome, built over the original site. Our Lady of the Way is Patroness of the Society of Jesus.
St. Francis Borgia is ordained a priest. He said his first Mass on August lst.
The beatification of John Francis Regis by Pope Clement XI.
Pope Pius VII returns to Rome from exile. He declared his intention to restore the Society on the coming feast of St. Ignatius.
Expulsion of the Society from Brazil by Don Pedro IV.
Gerard Gilleman, S.J. dies. Missionary to India, he wrote The Primacy of Charity in Moral Theology, a breakthrough volume.
Letter of Fr. General On Jesuits in the Intellectual Apostolate.
Encyclical of Pope Francis on the environment, Laudato Si.