25 Monday | |
white | The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church | Memorial |
| Mass of the Memorial (Votive Mass
#10B) | |
| These readings are proper to the
memorial. cf. [572A] Gen 3: 9-15, 20 or Acts 1: 12-14; Ps 86:
1-2, 3 & 5, 5-7; Jn 19: 25-34 | |
| Hours of the memorial (From Votive Masses: 10. Blessed Virgin Mary, B. Our Lady, Mother of the Church.) |
| Seasonal weekday readings: |
| [347] 1 Pet 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9+10c; Mark 10:17-27. |
Anniversary: | 33rd anniversary of the death of P. John Doyle (84) d. 2015 at Pickering, ON, Canada.  |
Birthday: | 56th birthday of D. Paul KANDA (born this day in 1992). |
Birthday: | 80th birthday of P. Nathanael MITI (born this day in 1968). |
Birthday: | 60th birthday of P. Frank Fanie TARUWONA (born this day in 1988). |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1537 | St. Francis Borgia was converted from the vanities of the world by the sight of Empress Isabella’s corpse. |
1590 | In Japan died Father Gaspar Coelho, a renowed missioner, who with only one companion, converted 35,000 persons and sixty Bonzes to the Church. |
1621 | St. John Berchmans offered to God l00 acts of self-humiliation in honor of St. Aloysius. |
1773 | The scholastics at Bologna, Italy, pressed immediately before the suppression by Cardinal Malvezzi to take off their religious habit and accept dispensation from their vows, refused to listen to him. |
1773 | The Scholastics at Bologna, pressed by Cardinal Malvezzi to take off their Religious habit and accept dispensation from their vows, refused to listen to him. |
1802 | The death of John Carroll, member of the Society before the Suppression, founder of Georgetown University and as first bishop of Baltimore, the founder of the U.S. hierarchy. |
1879 | St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC is consecrated. The property had been purchased by Anton Kohlmann, S.J. |
1989 | Philip Carey, S.J. dies Labor priest, mediator, of the Labor Relations Institute at Xavier Parish in New York City. |
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