27 Wednesday | |
white | St Vincent de Paul, priest | 105th World Tourism Day (est. 1980) | | | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [451] Prov 30:5-9; Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Luke 9:1-6. | | Hours of the Memorial. Common of Pastors: For Missionaries, or Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Work for the Underprivileged Readings from the Common of Saints: [645] 1 Cor 1:26-31 (#740.2); Ps 112:1bc-2, 3-4, 5-7, 7-8, 9 (#739.7); Matt 9:35-38 (#724.1). | |
Anniversary: | 82nd anniversary of the death of F. Jacob Grybos (78) d. 2002 at Kasisi, Zambia.  |
Anniversary: | 66th anniversary of the death of P. JoseĚ Vicente Martins (97) d. 2018 at Lisbon, Portugal.  |
Anniversary: | 65th anniversary of the death of P. Armand Nigro (UWE) (91) d. 2019 at Los Gatos, CA, USA.  |
Birthday: | 105th birthday of P. Tinashe Solomon MHAKA (born this day in 1979). |
SJ NOTE: | Monthly Mass for the needs of the Church and the Society should be offered on September 27, the 544th anniversary of the confirmation of the Society (1540). | |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1540 | The Bull of Pope Paul III, Regimini militantis Ecclesiae, constituting the Society a Religious Order, was signed at Palazzo San Marco, Rome. It limits the number of professed fathers to 60. Approbation Day. The Birthday of the Society of Jesus. |
1604 | The College of S. Bartholomew is founded in New Granada, Columbia. It gave the Church 17 bishops, and 23 martyrs. |
1606 | At Ingolstadt died Fr. Theodore Canisius, the brother of Peter. For eight years before his death he lost his memory, remembering only the holy names of Jesus and Mary. |
1948 | Apostolic Constitution of Pius XII, Bis Saeculari. the magna carta of the Sodality movement. |
1970 | Teresa of Avila is declared a doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI. She is the first woman so declared. Had Jesuit directors. |
1985 | Elliott MacGuigan, S.J. dies. Canadian canon lawyer and moral theologian. |
2001 | James J. Hennesey, S.J. dies, age 74. Jesuit historian, and expert on USA Church history. |
2017 | Letter of Fr. Sosa on "Discernment in Common." |
2019 | Announcement of Ignatian Year. 2021-2022. |
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