28 Friday | |
red | St Irenaeus, bishop, doctor, and martyr | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [375] 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6; Matt 8:1-4. | | Hours of the Memorial. Common of Martyrs, or Common of Doctors of the Church Readings from the Common of Saints: [589] 2 Tim 2:22b-26; Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 30-31 (#727.2); John 17:20-26 (#742.26). | |
Anniversary: | 85th anniversary of the death of P. Michael Tyrrell (HIB) (73) d. 2001 at Dublin, Ireland.  |
Anniversary: | 70th anniversary of the death of P. Dieter Thiel (84) d. 2016 at Harare, Zimbabwe.  |
Birthday: | 104th birthday of P. Makasa Adrian CHIKWAMO (born this day in 1982). |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1521 | Ignatius close to death, receives the last sacraments after the injury at Pamplona. |
1553 | Ignatius writes to Xavier, but Xavier had died the previous December. In fact, the death of Xavier, in December 1552 only becomes known in Rome in 1555. |
1577 | Peter Paul Rubens is born. An artist, friend of the Jesuits, he painted St. Ignatius. |
1771 | Anton Kohlmann is born. Kayserberg, Germany. He was the future superior in New York, and builder of St. Patrick's Cathedral. |
1991 | Two Jesuits (Paulo Dezza and Jan Korec) are among 22 cardinals created, making a total of seven Jesuit cardinals, the largest ever. |
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