29 Monday | |
white | The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church | Memorial |
| Mass of the Memorial (Votive Mass
#10B) | |
| These readings are proper to the
memorial. cf. [572A] Gen 3: 9-15, 20 or Acts 1: 12-14; Ps 86:
1-2, 3 & 5, 5-7; Jn 19: 25-34 | |
| Hours of the memorial (From Votive Masses: 10. Blessed Virgin Mary, B. Our Lady, Mother of the Church.) |
| Seasonal weekday readings: |
| [347] Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7; Mark 10:17-27. |
| Archdioceses of Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa [SACBC] | white | Bl Joseph Gerard, Priest | Optional | | Common of Pastors |
Anniversary: | 124th anniversary of the death of F. Peter Paravicini (64) d. 1899 at Itu, Brazil.  |
Anniversary: | 14th anniversary of the death of P. Gerald McCabe (76) d. 2009 at Harare, Zimbabwe.  |
Birthday: | 41st birthday of P. Shepherd MUHAMBA (born this day in 1982). |
Birthday: | 48th birthday of P. Augusto CĂ©sar Pedro JĂ“ (born this day in 1975). |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
| St. Ursula Ledochowska, Foundress of missionary sisters, sister of Jesuit General and Blessed Teresa Ledochowska. Congregation of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus. |
1566 | Father Pedro Martinez and two companions set sail for Florida, a region occupied at the time by barbarous tribes. (FB) |
1760 | The bankrupt creditors of Fr. Antoine Lavalette, superior of the Martinique mission, press the Society to repay his unauthorized trading debts, an occasion helping to lead to the banning of the Society in France. |
1815 | The restoration of the Society in Spain was proclaimed by royal decree. |
1991 | John Paul II announces that Paulo Dezza, S.J. is to become a Cardinal, as well as Jan Korec, in Slovakia. There are now seven Jesuit Cardinals, the largest number ever. |
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