function getOrthodoxEaster($date)
Takes any Gregorian date and returns the Gregorian
date of Orthodox Easter for that year.
$year = date("Y", $date);
$r1 = $year % 19;
$r2 = $year % 4;
$r3 = $year % 7;
$ra = 19 * $r1 + 16;
$r4 = $ra % 30;
$rb = 2 * $r2 + 4 * $r3 + 6 * $r4;
$r5 = $rb % 7;
$rc = $r4 + $r5;
//Orthodox Easter for this year will fall $rc days after April 3
return strtotime("3 April $year + $rc days");
Mass of the Sunday; creed; the Gloria is omitted. Preface of Advent I. Ritual and funeral Masses are prohibited.
Yr A
[1] Isa 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-2, 3-4a, 4b-5, 6-7, 8-9; Rom 13:11-14; Matt 24:37-44.
Hours of the Sunday; Te Deum
Traditionally on this day, we remember from Scripture St. Zephaniah, prophet (cf. Zep. 1:1) [from the Roman Martyrology].
75th anniversary of the death of P. Henry Wilcock (49) d. 1959 at Salisbury, Rhodesia.
64th anniversary of the death of P. Jerome O'Hea (77) d. 1970 at Liverpool, England.
62nd anniversary of the death of P. John Baron (73) d. 1972 at Oxford, England.
19th anniversary of the death of P. Louis Soloman (85) d. 2015 at New York, NY, USA.
42nd birthday of S. Jonatá Elias VALANE (born this day in 1992).
Emerald Jubilee of P. David DRYDEN who celebrates 55 years since professing Final Vows today.
Emerald Jubilee of P. Paul EDWARDS who celebrates 55 years since professing Final Vows today.
On this day in our Jesuit history...
Francs Xavier, priest, Feast The Patron of the Missions.
Francis Xavier (1506-1552) was born in Navarre, Spain. At the University of Paris he came under the influence of Ignatius of Loyola, and became one of the first nine companions to found the Society of Jesus. As well, he became the first Jesuit missionary, arriving in Goa in 1542, and working on the southeast coast of India. In 1546 he sailed to Malacca, and in 1549, he sailed to Japan. After three years of missionary activity, in 1552 he was back in Goa. He made thousands of converts wherever he went. In April that year he sailed for China, but landed on the lonely island of Sancian in September, in the bay of Canton, off the south coast of China, where he died on 3 December 1552. His incorrupt remains were taken first to Malacca, then to Goa. He is universal Patron Saint of Missions, and Patron Saint of India.
At the Council of Trent, the Institute of the Society was approved by the assembled Fathers.
Archbishop John Carroll dies in Baltimore. He was the first American bishop in the USA and the greatest churchman of the American Catholic Church. Ex-Jesuit because of the Suppression.
A Letter of Fr. Roothaan on desire for the missions.
Francis X. Gautrelet, S.J. speaks to scholastics at the house of studies in France and founds the Apostleship of Prayer.
Shouts "Death to the Jesuits" are heard outside St. Ignatius Church, Rome, at the news of the Protestant electoral victory in Switzerland.
The Missouri Vice-Province is erected into a Province. It had become a mission in 1831, attached to the Belgian Province in 1836 and created a vice-province in 1840.
The Mission of Jamaica is assigned to the New England Province.
The Historical Institute of the Society is opened in Rome.
Francis X. Talbot dies. He was editor of America magazine from 1936-44. He launched the Catholic book Club and Thought magazine, and wrote Saint Among Savages, and Saint Among the Hurons.
The Vice Province of Central Africa is erected.
The five Italian Jesuit provinces are reduced to one, due to declining numbers.
New Proper Liturgical Calendar of the Society of Jesus is published