30 Saturday | |
white | St Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church | Mass of the memorial; preface of the weekday, or of the saint. | | Cycle II | [454] Eccl 11:9-12:8; Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14+17; Luke 9:43b-45. | | Hours of the Memorial. Common of Doctors of the Church, or Common of Pastors Readings from the Common of Saints: [648] 2 Tim 3:14-17; Ps 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (#727.3); Matt 13:47-52 (#730.3). | |
[RM] | Traditionally on this day, we remember from Scripture St. Rachel, matriarch (cf. Gn. 30:22–24) [from the Roman Martyrology]. | |
Anniversary: | 135th anniversary of the death of F. Oswald Taylor (62) d. 1949 at Virginia Water, Surrey, England.  |
Birthday: | 87th birthday of *NS. Kimbi, Erick Baltazari (AOR) (born this day in 1997). |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1567 | Paris was saved from fire and destruction by Father Oliver Manare, who warned the magistrates of the Huguenot plots. |
1572 | The death of St. Francis Borgia, the Duke of Gandia and the viceroy of Catalonia before becoming a Jesuit. He became the third General, and oversaw the establishment of many schools and the expansion of missionary work. |
1572 | The death of St. Francis Borgia, the Duke of Gandia and viceroy of Catalonia before becoming a Jesuit. He became the third superior general of the Society and oversaw the establishment of many schools and the expansion of missionary work. |
1759 | At Coimbra, the Fathers of the College were arrested, taken to Lisbon, and sentence to banishment. On January 4th they landed at Civita Vecchia. |
1911 | President William Howard Taft visits St. Louis University and declares the football season open, amid alia. |
1928 | Motu Proprio of Pius XI, Quod Maxime, associates the Biblical and Oriental Institutes with the Gregorian University. |
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