31 Monday | |
white | St Ignatius of Loyola, priest, founder of the Society of Jesus Outside SJ churches Memorial; weekday readings. Texts in the Jesuit Supplement. (Download Mass texts and Divine Office texts here) | Mass of the solemnity; gloria, creed, preface of the solemnity. | Cycle II | [SJ-Lect2013] Jer 20:7-9 [LM 737.16]; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 [LM 609]; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 [LM 609]; Lk 14:25-33 [LM 609]. | | Hours of the Solemnity; Te Deum. |
Anniversary: | 83rd anniversary of the death of P. Adolph Hesse (88) d. 1951 at Salisbury, Rhodesia.  |
Birthday: | 34th birthday of S. João Portásio XAVIER (born this day in 2000). |
Jubilee: | Platinum Jubilee of -P. Eberhard FUHGE who celebrates 70 years of Priesthood today. |
Jubilee: | Golden Jubilee of P. Michael LEWIS who celebrates 50 years since professing Final Vows today. |
Jubilee: | Tin Jubilee of NS. Shingirirai Munahse KARONDERA who celebrates 10 years in the Society today. |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was born in Spain. In 1521, a cannon ball shattered his right knee during a battle, He was operated upon, and during the nine months of convalescence, his life had a turn-over. Upon recovery, he renounced his castle-home and set out as a “pilgrim†He visited the Holy Land but was sent back to Europe because of the unsafe political situation there. So, with definite plans for more effective service, though aged thirty-three, he attended school with youngsters in Barcelona, then graduated from the University of Paris. At Paris he won over six fellow-students willing to be of service to Christ. Three others joined the group later. Ignatius and his nine companions cofounded the Society of Jesus, which was canonically approved by Pope Paul III on 27 September 1540. By the time of his death in 1556, the Jesuits numbered over 1,000 members in nine European provinces, besides those working in foreign missions. He is the Patron of Spiritual Exercises and Retreats.
1548 | At the request of St. Francis Borgia, Pope Paul III issued the Brief, "Pastoralis ofï¬cii" approving the book of the Spiritual Exercises. |
1556 | Death of St. Ignatius |
1556 | ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, PRIEST AND FOUNDER OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS - SOLEMNITY dies. There were 1,036 Jesuits, 11 provinces, 92 houses, 33 colleges at his death. |
1568 | The first translation of the body of St. Ignatius. It is moved to the sacristy area of S. Maria della Strada while the foundation stones of the Gesu are being laid. |
1769 | Clement XIV refused to see Fr. General Ricci who came to congratulate him on his election to the papacy. |
1809 | Mr. Thomas Weld signed a deed of gift of Stonyhurst and Hodder to the Society. This occurred on the eve of his death. |
1849 | In London, the opening of Farm Street Church. The sermon was preached by Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Wiseman. |
1874 | Patrick Healy, S.J. African American, is inaugurated as President of Georgetown University. |
1909 | California Province established. Herman Goller Provincial. It arises from the Mission of California-Rocky Mountains. |
1926 | New England Province-established as a Province, separated from Maryland/New York Province. |
1927 | Pontifical Biblical Institute opens a branch in Jerusalem. |
1931 | Instruction of Fr. Ledochowski De usu "Radii" in nostris domibus. "All recreational use is to be absolutely avoided, including classical concerts." |
1941 | New Ratio Studiorum promulgated after years of preparation. |
1943 | New York and Maryland Provinces separated. |
1950 | Henri DeLubac ordered to give up his chair of theology at Fourviere, Lyon. Humani Generis is published 12 days later. |
1976 | Eastern Africa Region of the Society is established (Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya.) Polycarp Toppo is the first Regional Superior. |
1986 | The Independent Region of East Africa is raised to the status of a Province, with Louis Plamondon as Provincial. |
1988 | The English and French Assistancies are combined to form the Assistancy of Western Europe. The German Assistancybecomes the Central European Assistancy. The American Assistancy becomes the Assistancy of the USA. |
1989 | Michael Harrington dies Jesuit trained, Holy Cross Alumnus. Democratic Socialism, author of The Other America. |
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