6 Friday | |
white | Transfiguration of the Lord | Mass of the Transfiguration; Gloria, proper readings, Creed, Preface of the Assumption. | Yr C | Mass of the Day: [614] Dan 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Luke 9:28b-36. | | Hours of the solemnity; Te Deum. |
Anniversary: | 71st anniversary of the death of P. Edward Callaghan (56) d. 1978 at Liverpool, England.  |
Anniversary: | 57th anniversary of the death of P. Thomas O'Brien (60) d. 1992 at Dublin, Ireland.  |
Birthday: | 81st birthday of P. John MWELWA (born this day in 1968). |
Birthday: | 118th birthday of P. Norbert GILLE (born this day in 1931). |
Jubilee: | Pearl Jubilee of P. Andrew SIMPASA who celebrates 30 years of Priesthood today. |
Jubilee: | Pearl Jubilee of P. Stephen Muyenga WAPA who celebrates 30 years of Priesthood today. |
On this day in our Jesuit history...
1552 | At Vienna, the death of Claude Le Jay. Peter Canisius preached at his funeral. |
1573 | Pope Gregory XIII published his Bull "Postquam Deo placuit," which founded the German College. |
1573 | Pope Gregory XIII published his Bull Postquam Deo placuit, which founded the German College. |
1651 | Francois Fenelon B Jesuit educated theologian/spiritual writer. |
1762 | A Decree of the French Parliament was published accusing the Society of every heresy, every crime, every infamy, and confiscating all its property. |
1816 | Letter of Thomas Jefferson to John Adams. "I dislike with you the restoration of the Jesuits, because it makes a retrograde step from light toward darkness." |
1897 | Jerome D’Souza is born in India. He was a Rector, diplomat, worked at the United Nations. |
1945 | Hiroshima - atomic destruction. A pilot, Robert Lewis, later enters the Jesuits. Fr. Arrupe aids the injured. |
1967 | August 6-l9th. Santa Clara Conference of the American Assistancy on the "Total Formation of the Jesuit Priest." |
2000 | Jesuit Bishop Michael Kaniecki, of Fairbanks, Alaska, dies of heart attack. |
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