Province of Southern Africa (SAP)
of the Society of Jesus


Major Jubilees by Date | Jubilarians by Major Jubilee | All Jubilees by Date | All Jubilarians by Jubilee


Jubilarians for 2025 



5   Wednesday   P. Matthew CHARLESWORTH   20 years in the Society
22   Saturday   P. Antony X. SAHAYA   20 years since professing Final Vows


2   Wednesday   P. Ernesto Miguel GRACIANO   20 years in the Society
2   Wednesday   P. Bendito Evressone NGOZO   20 years in the Society
6   Sunday   +P. Dhanapalan RAYAR   20 years since professing Final Vows


18   Sunday   P. Virgílio Arimateia DOMINGOS   35 years in the Society
19   Monday   P. Alberto MAQUIA   35 years in the Society
20   Thursday   P. Brian MACGARRY   45 years since professing Final Vows
22   Saturday   P. Christopher CHATTERIS   45 years of Priesthood
25   Saturday   P. Heribert Ferdinand MÜLLER   25 years since professing Final Vows


11   Saturday   P. Hector MUKWATO   10 years since professing Final Vows
19   Tuesday   P. Norbert GILLE   70 years in the Society
22   Tuesday   P. Peter CARROLL   45 years since professing Final Vows
22   Tuesday   -P. David GORNALL   45 years since professing Final Vows
26   Tuesday   P. Konrad LANDSBERG   65 years in the Society


24   Monday   F. Augusto José AZEVEDO   15 years in the Society
24   Monday   P. Inoque Samuel POSSE   15 years in the Society
25   Monday   P. Konrad LANDSBERG   55 years of Priesthood
30   Saturday   P. Nicholas HAMAKALU   10 years of Priesthood


9   Wednesday   +P. Lammert Bert OTTEN   60 years of Priesthood
15   Sunday   P. Charles SEARSON   45 years of Priesthood
18   Saturday   P. Anesu Douglas MANYERE   20 years of Priesthood
18   Thursday   D. Ricardo Sebastian NOGUEIRO   10 years in the Society
18   Thursday   S. Tafumanei Eric CHIKANYA   10 years in the Society
18   Thursday   S. Lovemore MASHIRI   10 years in the Society
20   Saturday   P. Peter HENRIOT   55 years of Priesthood
20   Friday   -P. Joseph HAYES   50 years of Priesthood
20   Saturday   P. Tendai Ellton MATARE   5 years of Priesthood
20   Saturday   P. Frank Fanie TARUWONA   5 years of Priesthood
21   Sunday   P. Robert ALTHANN   55 years of Priesthood
25   Friday   P. Bronisław KONDRAT   60 years of Priesthood
25   Thursday   P. Edward MURPHY   55 years of Priesthood
25   Saturday   P. Leonard Peter CHITI   20 years of Priesthood
25   Saturday   P. Andrew MTAMIRA   20 years of Priesthood
25   Friday   P. Leonard Peter CHITI   15 years since professing Final Vows
27   Saturday   P. Odericky Roxy MWEEMBA   10 years of Priesthood
29   Friday   P. Józef MATYJEK   35 years of Priesthood
29   Monday   -P. Lodewicus BARNARD   5 years of Priesthood
30   Saturday   P. Nathanael MITI   35 years in the Society
30   Thursday   P. Noah LUNGU   20 years in the Society


1   Saturday   +P. António Virgílio Faria de Oliveira e COSTA   30 years of Priesthood
1   Wednesday   S. Zacarias Alfredo BONIFÁCIO   10 years in the Society
1   Wednesday   S. Timóteo Bartolomeu PORTÁSIO   10 years in the Society
6   Thursday   P. Graham Edward PUGIN   25 years since professing Final Vows
7   Friday   P. Tinashe Solomon MHAKA   25 years in the Society
7   Friday   P. Ignatius A. TAMBUDZAI   25 years in the Society
8   Saturday   P. Antony X. SAHAYA   30 years of Priesthood
8   Thursday   P. Emmanuel CHISANGA   15 years in the Society
8   Thursday   P. Chilima MUNTANGA   15 years in the Society
9   Friday   P. Albert MUGARI   15 years in the Society
9   Friday   P. Tanaka MASHICHE   15 years in the Society
9   Friday   P. Nobert MUNEKANI   15 years in the Society
10   Sunday   *P. Dondo Bena, Benoît (ACE)   20 years of Priesthood
12   Saturday   -P. Eustace SEQUEIRA   50 years of Priesthood
12   Tuesday   P. Jacob KAPITA   20 years in the Society
15   Sunday   *P. Mampasi Kapita, Dieudonné-Thomas (ACE)   35 years of Priesthood
18   Saturday   P. Courage Rodwell BAKASA   10 years of Priesthood
18   Saturday   P. Ignatious MUNYORO   10 years of Priesthood
24   Saturday   P. George Mtaja BWANALI   15 years of Priesthood
24   Saturday   P. Slyvester KASIRORI   15 years of Priesthood
28   Wednesday   P. Andrew SIMPASA   15 years in the Society
29   Saturday   P. Godwin MULENGA   30 years in the Society
29   Saturday   P. Francis Gibson MUNYORO   30 years in the Society
29   Saturday   P. Emmanuel Kabamba NSHIMBI   30 years in the Society
29   Saturday   P. Ugenio PHIRI   30 years in the Society
29   Saturday   P. Paul MAYERESA   30 years of Priesthood
29   Saturday   P. Lawrence DAKA   25 years of Priesthood
30   Saturday   -P. John KIEŁBASA   65 years in the Society
30   Saturday   +P. David Ferreira da SILVA   65 years of Priesthood
31   Friday   P. Norbert GILLE   55 years since professing Final Vows
31   Thursday   P. Patrick MAKAKA   50 years of Priesthood
31   Wednesday   P. Gerard KARAS   40 years of Priesthood
31   Sunday   P. Andrzej LEŚNIARA   20 years since professing Final Vows
31   Saturday   P. Elias Bboloka Bubala NCHIMUNYA   15 years of Priesthood
31   Saturday   P. Kelly MICHELO   15 years of Priesthood
31   Friday   P. Elias Bboloka Bubala NCHIMUNYA   5 years since professing Final Vows
31   Friday   P. Rampeoane HLOBO   5 years since professing Final Vows
31   Friday   P. Terry Mwando MUTESHA   5 years since professing Final Vows


1   Saturday   S. Luciano Francisco VÍCTOR   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Tomás Modesto BENE   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Jorge Zeca BENTO   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Adrian CHANSA   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Costantino CHIBULA   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Benício Arlindo CHICOMO   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Thomas Mwaba CHILINGA   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Victor ERNESTO   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Precious KAMBEWA   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Maynard MASAUSO   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. David MWANZA   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Chrispin STANDE   5 years in the Society
1   Saturday   S. Hélio José XAVIER   5 years in the Society
6   Wednesday   P. Ludwik ZAPAŁA   50 years in the Society
15   Saturday   +P. Lammert Bert OTTEN   55 years since professing Final Vows
15   Friday   P. Edward MURPHY   50 years since professing Final Vows
27   Wednesday   P. Gerard KARAS   50 years in the Society


7   Wednesday   P. Clive DILLON-MALONE   70 years in the Society
7   Tuesday   -P. Michael T. KELLY   60 years in the Society
7   Monday   P. Alojz PODGRAJSEK   55 years in the Society
8   Monday   -P. John KIEŁBASA   45 years since professing Final Vows
8   Friday   *P. Neuhaus, David (PRO)   25 years of Priesthood
12   Wednesday   P. Anthony EGAN   35 years in the Society
16   Sunday   *P. Dondo Bena, Benoît (ACE)   35 years in the Society
16   Wednesday   P. Gilbert Fungai BANDA   5 years since professing Final Vows
16   Wednesday   P. Admire Rufaro NHIKA   5 years since professing Final Vows
16   Wednesday   P. Ignatius A. TAMBUDZAI   5 years since professing Final Vows
18   Wednesday   P. Graham Edward PUGIN   40 years in the Society
19   Saturday   P. Inácio Jorge JUSSA   5 years since professing Final Vows
19   Saturday   P. Afonso Inácio MUCANE   5 years since professing Final Vows
19   Saturday   P. Carlos Mário SIVANO   5 years since professing Final Vows
24   Saturday   P. Peter BWANALI   20 years since professing Final Vows


2   Saturday   P. Sebastian M. MALAMBO   15 years since professing Final Vows
23   Tuesday   P. John MWELWA   35 years in the Society
23   Saturday   P. Lastone R. LUPUPA   15 years since professing Final Vows


13   Monday   P. Józef MATYJEK   25 years since professing Final Vows


3   Thursday   P. Emmanuel GURUMOMBE   5 years since professing Final Vows
8   Thursday   P. Paul MAYERESA   20 years since professing Final Vows
12   Tuesday   P. O. Kenneth JOHNSON   25 years since professing Final Vows
12   Saturday   P. Jacob KAPITA   5 years of Priesthood
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